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Want to know how you can support this site? A Paypal account has been set up to accept donations. Thanks for anything you can contribute. Even $1 helps!!
Welcome to, the home of the New Zealand Go Society. The New Zealand Go Society is a group of kiwis that are interested in playing and promoting the game of Go in New Zealand. 
New Zealand Go Congress - 19/4/04
The date for the New Zealand Go Congress has been provisionally set for the October (Labour Weekend) in Wellington. Contact Steve for more information at Go Champs 2004 - 10/4/04
The Auckland Go Champs for 2004 has been scheduled for the 22nd and the 23rd of May. For details please view the registration form which includes a schedule and information about the tournament. For more information contact Steve at
News needed - 18/1/04
Any announcements or news regarding matters of go in New Zealand should be sent to the webmaster at This includes announcements about tournaments in the future and results of tournaments.
Suggestions wanted - 18/1/04
The Webmaster, Leon Phease, would appreciate any suggestions to do with improving this website. If you have a suggestion to make, e-mail leon at
This site was created by Leon Phease.
|, the homepage of the New Zealand Go Society is here so people, enjoy!
For enquiries or suggestions concerning this site, please contact the Administrators, Leon Phease or Corrin Lakeland.
Please Donate money to the site. Sure it won't be doing anything except helping Leon on his way to living a life of luxury but sometimes you gotta do these things. Think of it as the nice thing to do.
Leon Phease
For giving up hours of his own time and effort, building this site.
Corrin Lakeland
For hosting this site at his own expense.
Steve Taylor
For providing much of the material.
Dan Reeves
For writing the New Zealand Go Society Newsletter.