Go players of New Zealand,
The 2003 Otago Open Go Championship
Here are the details of the Otago’s Open Go Championship (hopefully to become an annual event):
When: Saturday 20 September
Sunday 21 September
Registration 9:30am
Start time 10am
Where: 8 Michie St
An even game round-robin tournament
Three rounds per day (10am-12pm; 1-3pm; 4-6pm)
45 minutes per player, 30 seconds byo-yomi
Entry fee $10
Knees-up Saturday at 8 Michie St 7pm
WAGC points available to members of the NZ Go Society ($10 membership fee).
Beds can be found for out of town players.
Lunch available at the venue.
Graeme Parmenter
(03) 489-0170
Du Shiyong representing NZ
this year's World Amateur Go Championship was cancelled, there's an
equivalent competition being run in Korea in September/October. The
Official name for the competition is “The
1st Incheon International Amateur Badok(Go) Championship”.
65 players from 65
countries and territories will participate this competition.
Incheon is one of
the biggest port cities of Korea, and the center of culture and
industry. Du Shiyong of Auckland will represent New Zealand
at this event. Du will go to Korea on 25th
of September. The event will start on 26th of September and finish on
the 4th of October. Du
will visit Beijing and Jiangxi province of China after the
competition, before returning to NZ.
Good luck Du, and don’t forget to write up a competition report for the newsletter!
The Auckland Go Club has moved - new venue is the
Auckland Chess Centre, 17
Cromwell Street, Mt Eden. Time is
unchanged: Wednesday nights from 7:30pm.
Annual membership of the
Chess club is $75, which entitles members to use
the clubrooms at
other times too, e.g. chess club nights.
Wellington Regional Champs
hope to hold these in October.
2003 National Go Congress and NZGS Annual General Meeting will
in Auckland during the weekend of 8-9 November. Venue will be
the same
as last year - Colin's work.
It seems that the Go Kichi Trophy is to re-emerge onto the New Zealand Go scene. Here is a brief rundown on the Go Kichi history, plagiarised from a Kiwi Go magazine from last century, in an article by Kyle Jones…
The Go Kichi Trophy is a Go-ban kindly donated by Ray Tomes after the 10th World Amateur Go Championship in 1988. It is dedicated to… “the spirit of friendship shown by the Nihon Ki-in and Japan Airlines in fostering World Go”.
The Go Kichi Go-ban is used when challenges are played, and the winner of the match (the first to win three games) takes the trophy and holds it until beaten by a challenger. Any dan ranked member of NZGS living in NZ may challenge for the Go Kichi.
Ray began as the holder of the Go Kichi trophy in 1988, and received his first challenge from Alan Guerin in October of that year. Alan won the match 3-1, starting a trend that continued for some time: the challenger regularly beating the holder. The trophy alternated between Ray, Alan, Stanley Wang and David Coughlin for a while, before circulating among a larger pool of players, including (not necessarily in this order) Barry Phease, Graham Parmenter, and Kyle Jones, and possibly others unknown to me.
Rumours persist of a challenge from Otago. The last holder was Kyle Jones, but as he has moved to Melbourne, it seems the trophy reverts to the previous holder, believed to be Stanley Wang. If someone (Colin, Barry, Russell, Graham?) could furnish me with the correct history of matches, and details of the new challenge, it would be much appreciated. Watch this space for more news, game records of the new challenge, etc….
The latest edition of this newsletter can now be viewed anytime on the internet at http://www.japan.org.nz under the Newsletters section. Thank you to the Japan Information and Cultural Centre for supporting us.
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And remember, “Strange things happen at the1-2 point”.